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发布日期:2011-04-22 浏览次数:429 作者:    编辑:审核:

学术报告人简历(Resume)程杨博士从2009年8月开始在密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State University) 航空航天系任助理教授(Assistant Professor)。从2003年10月到2009年12月,在纽约州立大学的布法罗校区(University at Buffalo, The State University of New York) 做博士后和研究助理教授。于2003年4月在哈尔滨工业大学航天工程与力学系获得工学博士学位。研究领域包括非线性估计和信息融合方法和应用。自2003年10月赴美后发表14篇期刊论文和27篇会议文章。现为美国航空航天学会(AIAA)、美国宇航学会(AAS)和电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)的高级会员、美国航空航天学会制导、导航和控制技术委员会成员,以及美国宇航学会的宇航科学学报(Journal of Astronautical Sciences)的Associate Editor,担任美国航空航天学会2012年制导、导航和控制会议新导航、估计、跟踪方法的Technical Area Co-Chair。报告简介(Abstract of Topic)Attitude determination is the process of determining the orientation of an object with respect to a reference frame. This series of lectures will review state-of-the-art nonlinear estimation methods for three-axis attitude determination. The lectures topics include: 1) Three-Axis Attitude Determination from Vector Observations, 2) Kalman Filters for Three-Axis Attitude Determination, 3) Particle Filters for Three-Axis Attitude Determination, and 4) Relative Attitude Determination for Multiple Vehicles. In the first lecture, the Wahba problem and its solutions will be reviewed. ?The extended Kalman filter, the unscented Kalman filter, and the sparse Gauss-Hermite quadrature filter will be reviewed in the second lecture. The third lecture will focus on the particle filtering approach to attitude estimation. ?The last lecture will present some recent advances in relative attitude estimation.报告题目(Titles):1) Three-Axis Attitude Determination from Vector Observations2) Kalman Filters for Three-Axis Attitude Determination3) Particle Filters for Three-Axis Attitude Determination4) Relative Attitude Determination for Multiple Vehicles报告时间(Time): ??2011年4月25日,8:00-10:00, 14:30-16:00???????????????????????????? ?????2011年4月26日,8:00-10:00, 14:30-16:00报告地点(Place): 18号楼? 327教室主办单位:英国正版365官方网站、国际合作交流处


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