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学术报告-德国宇航中心Toralf Boge博士

发布日期:2011-05-12 浏览次数:417 作者:    编辑:审核:

学术报告题目(Topic)On-Obit Servicing: A New Challenge for German Aerospace Center学术报告人(Lecturer)Dr. -lng. Toralf BogeGerman Aerospace Center(DLR)German Space Operations Center(GSOC)Department of Spaceflight Technology?学术报告人简历(Resume)Toralf Boge博士于2000年加入德国宇航中心(DLR),并于2003年获得德国德雷斯顿科技大学电子工程博士学位。2000至2006年任欧洲无人自动转移飞船工程(ATV)的EPOS应用(EPOS- European Proximity Operations Simulator,欧洲近距操作模拟器,基于机器人技术的半物理仿真器)、ESA项目、ATV-GNC-RVD(无人自动转移飞船-导航制导与控制-交会对接)系统测试和验证的项目副主管。2003至2006年任JAXA的HTV工程EPOS-Utilization项目副主管。2004至2008年任地球观测任务SAR-Lupe的飞行动力学项目主管。2006年至今任地球观测任务EnMAP的飞行动力学项目主管。2007至2008年任欧洲在轨伺服任务SMART-OLEV的飞行动力学项目主任。2008至2010任德国在轨伺服任务DEOS的飞行动力学项目主管。2008至2009年任新的HIL交会对接仿真器EPOS的设计项目主管。2009年至今任在轨伺服项目组主任。Boge博士的工作是操作位于慕尼黑附近的德国空间操作中心(GSOC)的EPOS设备,并且作为项目副主管负责测试和验证ATV的GNC敏感器和交会对接系统以及日本HTV的交会敏感器。从2004年开始,他先后负责了几个地球观测任务以及在轨伺服任务,同时给德国空间操作中心的地面操作组提供技术支持。2008年,Boge博士成为GSOC新的在轨伺服工作组的主任,目前其正负责新版欧洲近距操作模拟器,即所谓的EPOS 2.0的开发和研究工作。除此之外,他正在为在轨伺服任务开发新的GNC方法,并在交会对接的半物理仿真领域进行了深入的研究。报告简介(Abstract of Topic)Satellites can severely be affected by ageing, limited fuel source, or degradation of their hardware components. Therefore, satellite On-Orbit servicing (OOS) will be of great significance with regard to extend the satellite lifetime and increase its functionality or performance. Also the disposal of spacecrafts after their end of life will play a more and more important role in the future. The scenarios involve an on-orbit servicing spacecraft approach to a client satellite, capture or dock on it and take over the attitude and orbit control task of the coupled system. In the mated configuration the servicer can perform additional maintenance tasks. One of the critical issues of such a mission is to ensure a safe and reliable Rendezvous and Docking (RvD) process. For this most risky part of the mission new GNC-systems and robotic mechanisms must be developed and the entire RvD process has to be simulated and verified before the mission can be launched.In the last years many satellite projects started providing OOS capabilities. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is involved in several projects developing key technologies for OOS missions and launched an own satellite project to demonstrate their OOS competence.The presentation provides an overview of the past activities and the ongoing OOS projects where DLR is involved. In the second part it focuses on the research activities concerning ongoing RvD developments and simulations.报告时间 (Time):?? 2011年5月13日,14:00-16:00???????????????????????????????? May 13, 2011???? 2:00pm –4:00pm报告地点(Place): 18号楼233教室Bld. A18?? Room233主办单位:英国正版365官方网站、国际合作交流处


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